THE IRISH TIMES | The Women Shaping Irish Culture

The Irish Times have published a list of ‘70 Women Shaping Irish Culture’, by Gemma Tipton

“Women are a powerful presence in Irish architecture today, thanks to the brilliance of the likes of Shelley McNamara and Yvonne Farrell of the multi-award-winning Grafton Architects, McCullough Mulvin’s Valerie Mulvin, O’Donnell & Tuomey’s Sheila O’Donnell, and Róisín Heneghan of Heneghan Peng. A new generation, including Rae Moore, Alice Clancy and Jennifer O’Donnell, are broadening the definition of architectural practice.

Going further back, Wexford-born Eileen Gray (1878-1976) was a pioneer of modernism despite having no formal training. Gray’s E-1027 pavilion of a house in the south of France is considered a masterpiece, and has become a place of pilgrimage for lovers of smooth straight lines and lots of concrete. But do not think Gray was a champion of the more soulless “machine for living” brand of modernism. “Modern designers have exaggerated the technological side,” she wrote in 1929, just as the house was being completed. “Intimacy is gone, atmosphere is gone,” she continued. “Formulas are nothing. Life is everything. And life is mind and heart at the same time.”


IMMA | Matheson Creativity Hub

The Irish Museum of Modern Art (IMMA) invited Atelier Rae to participate in a design competition for the new Matheson Creativity Hub. Atelier Rae has collaborated with AB Projects and Ahmad Fakhry.

The winner will be announced at the end of March 2023

“IMMA in partnership with Matheson are commissioning an architect, artist, or multi-disciplinary design collective to develop a design for ‘The Matheson Creativity Hub’. This will be a prominent space that is activated by IMMA’s Engagement & Learning Department, Visitor Engagement Team, community groups, creative partners, and artists, as well as a space for audiences to dwell and explore on their own. It will be an innovative reimagining of convivial space that invites exceptional architecture and design to provide a welcoming and inclusive environment that allows for experimentation, supports creative engagement, and social connectivity for audiences of all ages. The project will be implemented in two stages; the design competition in February 2023, where visitors will be able to view the proposed designs, followed by the procurement and implementation of the winning project throughout 2023 and early 2024. The six practices showcased are: AB Projects & Atelier Rae; borien & Ben Mullen; Broken Fields; Diogo Passarinho Studio (D_P_S); Resolve; and Studio Makkink & Bey.”

RIAI Future Award Winners

Rae has be shortlisted for the RIAI Future Award, 2022, an award celebrating the rising stars of Irish Architecture.

“The Royal Institute of the Architects of Ireland (RIAI) announced the Winners of the RIAI Future Award and the RIAI Student Awards at the RIAI Conference (Wednesday 3 November 2021). Architects are making an important contribution to our built environment, our culture, society and economy and the RIAI is delighted to support and promote the next generation through our awards schemes.” - RIAI


Postcards from the Immediate Future | Exhibition

“On occasion of the 25th anniversary of USI-Accademia di architettura di Mendrisio, AMA presents Postcards from the Immediate Future: a large-scale exhibition featuring works from over 300 alumni which attended the Accademia during its formative years. The first ever attempt to provide a global overview of cultural legacy of the school, the exhibition wishes to provide an instant panoramic of the rich and diversified practices of accademia graduates working within the fields of architecture, design, theory, photography, curation, and more. In order to showcase the largest and most diversified amount of works, exhibitors were asked to contribute with a single, significant image - whether this be a photograph of a recently completed building, a piece of design, a drawing, the title page of a book, an image of a model - whatever they found relevant to illustrate their work, current preoccupations or more plainly their career trajectory since graduating. Finally the images are printed in postcard format and exhibited in a large-scale, purposely designed frame to form a kaleidoscopic array of ‘windows’ onto the lives and works of former student colleagues. The result comprises over 30.000 Postcards specimens that each visitor can read, pick-up and send in a letter box.”


  • Curation: Fabrizio Ballabio and Giacomo Ortalli

  • Exhibition design: cortese/mazza

  • Visual identity: Lorenzo Mason Studio

  • Coordination: AMA with Silvia Cipelletti and Afra Costa

  • Photography: Jacopo Valentini and Luca Borlenghi

Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council | Appointment

Atelier Rae has been appointed by Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council do develop proposals for the Culture Castle, and open-air performance space to support the Arts & Culture Sector to recovery during the pandemic.

The project will be funded by the Department of Culture, Outdoor Public Spaces Fund.


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THE IRISH TIMES | Open Air Space for Culture

Atelier Rae has been featured in The Irish Times, in an article by Gamma Tipton

Check out this short read on the potential for Open-Air Performance Spaces for Arts & Culture in Ireland, during and post-pandemic. With contributions from Atelier Rae, McCullough Mulvin, A2 Architects, and Tara Kennedy


The Irish Times_Gemma Tipton_Outdoor Culture Spaces_Atelier Rae_McCullough Mulvin_A2 Architects_Tara Kennedy_Irish Times_Irish Architects_The Irish Architecture Foundation_Outdoor Performace Space_Arts & Culture_Minister for Culture Catherine Martin…

RTE Home School Hub | RTE 2

As part of RTE’s Home School Hub in April, Rae was one of seven guests to be invited on the show to share stories about school, and ideas for spending time at home. The programme runs daily on RTE 2 at 11am.

Guests include activist and designer Sinead Burke, Dermot Bannon, rugby star Sene Naoupu, engineer and scientist Dr Niamh Shaw, founder of Food Cloud Iseult Ward, architect Rae Moore, and Maeve O'Flynn from Dogs Trust Ireland.

Links for more info below



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View video from 10:00 mins

GLUG DUBLIN | The Sugar Club

Rae was invited to speak at Glug Dublin, a relaxed evening event for the broader creative community. The sold-out event took place at the Sugar Club in Dublin City Centre.

Four guests were invited to speak on the theme ‘IRL - creating work in the tangible realm.’

Other guests included Algorithm, H&G Creations and Roisin Lafferty, hosted by Aoife O’Dwyer

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NINE WEEKS | Dublin Fringe Festival

As part of the Dublin Fringe Festival 2019, Rae collaborated with Séan Kennedy on his production, Nine Weeks.

Rae created a kinetic set for the show, like a kaleidoscope, allowing space to shift on stage throughout the performance. Inspiration was drawn from the work of set designer Es Devlin, and artist Yayoi Kusama, as well as the scenography of Italian Cinecitta which Rae had studied under the guidance of Marco Müller during her time at the Accademia di Architettura in Switzerland.

The sold-out Nine Weeks show at Smock Alley Theatre received a 5-star review from The Irish Times theatre critic, Peter Crawley.

NINE WEEKS: Written by, and Starring Séan Kennedy | Music and Original Score by Amanda Feery and Julie Shanley | Direction and Choreography by Emily Kilkenny Roddy | Set Design by Rae Moore

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Nine Weeks_Dublin Fringe Festival_Smock Alley Theatre_Black Box_Sean Kennedy_Amanda Feery_Julie Shanley_Emily Kilkenny Roddy_Rae Moore_Architect Artist And Set Design_Five Star Review_The Irish Times Theatre Critic_Peter Crawley.png